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Sounds of Technology and Nature - 16-channel audio installation

2014-05-21 1 0 Vimeo

A different soundscape where technology and nature come together. This audio installation is the result of a collaboration between audio designer Kasper Fangel Skov and Centre for Advanced Visualization (CAVI). The soundscape prototype is developed in connection to an ongoing digital project about dissemination, which will be installed in Aarhus’s botanical garden, Denmark. The purpose is to enhance visitors’ experiences through sound as they move through the tropical houses. In correlation with the sound experiences, the widely different representations of nature and wildlife will emerge in a more powerful manner. The installation was present at Godsbanen during Sustain Festival Aarhus, May 2014. The poetics of the sound has been rethought, and a meeting between nature and technology occurs. This union has the purpose of encouraging reflections about human's conceptions of and impact on nature.