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Stereo binaural

Hola, hace tiempo que andaba dándole vueltas al stereo bianural, esta técnica por la cual se consigue tener una información que muchas veces cuesta consegui...

2013-01-22 00:57 386 Dailymotion

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are a type of brain entrainment technology at https://www.exploredwellness.com/2020/03/26/beat-fatigue-with-binaurals Binaural Beats is, in fact...

2020-07-15 01:03 11 Dailymotion


Disfruta la música de Binaural Jet, una banda conformada por tres hermanos originarios de Mixquiahuala, Hidalgo quienes nos proponen su proyecto musical lleno ...

2022-07-25 13:31 2 Dailymotion

Binaural Beats Brainwave Downloads - Binaural beats & Isochronic Tones

If you have been having from worries in your mind or feel stressed out often, you must use brainwave entrainment. It is an effective tool to change the frequenc...

2015-05-27 01:17 1 Dailymotion

Binaural ASMR FR

This is now the time for your yearly cranial nerve exam! But dont worry, you wont feel any pain and it may be relaxing ;)\r\rWarning : Im not a real specialist ...

2018-01-28 24:51 5 Dailymotion

Música para Estudar - Binaural Isocrônico

Música para Estudar - Binaural Isocrônico Foco Alfa Esse binaural é Isocrônico para obtenção de Foco em Alfa. Possui apenas 16 minutos de duração. Os...

2015-09-13 15:58 0 Vimeo

Binaural Swimming - Beach (2011)

Bamburgh, Northumberland UK, April 2011 Directed by Simon Ellis (www.simonellisfilms.com) LISTEN THROUGH HEADPHONES ONLY. These binaural recordings are about...

2011-10-15 16:48 0 Vimeo

Binaural Swimming - Skyspace (2009)

Kielder, Northumberland UK, December 2009 Directed by Simon Ellis (www.simonellisfilms.com) LISTEN THROUGH HEADPHONES ONLY. These binaural recordings are abo...

2011-06-05 09:34 0 Vimeo

Binaural Harmonic *Headphones*

*REQUIRES HEADPHONES TO HEAR BINAURAL BEATS* Brittany Kurtinecz, "Binaural Harmonic", Stereo Audio, Binaural Beats, Headphones, Video, 10:37 loop, 2015 Binaur...

2016-04-17 10:37 0 Vimeo

Binaural Recording - "Tiger Tamer"

Experiment with binaural recording. Put on your headphones and buckle up!...

2010-01-07 00:57 0 Vimeo